

Technical representation in the areas of marine engineering, mechanical engineering, alternative power systems engineering, sensor technology, manufacture and performance of LED devices for ships and buildings – interior and exterior, information surveillance and analysis, turbine power generation, and the use of bio-fuels to meet emission standards. The Principal of EESS LLC was a Congressional Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers assisting the US Department of Homeland Security in risk assessment and management methodologies through the Office of Grants and Training. He was previously the Engineer of the Year for the Department of Transportation and a Sloan Fellow from MIT.


EESS LLC has knowledge management experts that provide knowledge discovery consultation to help elicit and archive knowledge assets during reorganizations, automate information screening and gain insight from pattern detection algorithms and filtering processes.


EESS LLC helps clients develop the required training for risk assessment and risk management processes to be integrated into their organizations.


EESS LLC helps clients map out their continuity of operations plans and integrate them into day to day operations so when disaster happens, the organization shifts into the appropriate mode to minimize any unnecessary dysfunctions.


This allows organizations to plan to a continuity standard and justify their budgets more convincingly.


EESS conducts field security risk evaluations of global supply chains.

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